The Magnetic Boss Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
The Magnetic Boss Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Overcoming Social Media Overwhelm: A Simple Strategy for Entrepreneurs
In this episode, we dive into how to overcome the overwhelm of managing social media as an entrepreneur. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just getting started, social media can feel daunting—especially when you're juggling multiple roles in your business.
I share insights from a recent call with a Brand Incubator client, where we mapped out a sustainable content strategy that allows her to confidently show up on social media without burnout.
Learn how to create clear content pillars, set achievable posting frequencies, and implement a simple strategy that works for your brand. Get inspired to take action and make your social media strategy easier, more effective, and more aligned with your business goals.
Plus, if you're feeling stuck, I'll share how you can work with me to create the clarity and confidence you need to grow your business.
Tune in for the step-by-step process to build your social media content plan and feel empowered to make progress in your business!
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OK, I am fired up. I just got off of an amazing call with a brand incubator client of mine. I talked about her recently on the podcast and the process that we're going through together, and I wanted to share some insights here with you on the podcast because I know that this supplies to all of us as entrepreneurs, and when we are growing our businesses, we are wearing many hats, right? We all know this. We are the CEO. We are the financial advisor. We are the content manager. We are everything. And that can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to leave you feeling stuck in your business, and I want to talk to today specifically about social media because I know that this can be a daunting area of business for many of us if we're not naturally people who are marketing experts, who are really familiar with using social media. And some of my clients are in different age brackets than I am, and social media is really new to them and really scary because there is so much tech involved, right? There's a lot of different features and social media is always updating and things are changing at a rapid pace, and so it can feel overwhelming. But I want to repeat it doesn’t have to be that way.
The first thing that I want to really drive home on this podcast is that with everything that you do in your business, there is going to be room for improvement, and there is no level of perfection that you are going to reach where you feel like you finally have it all figured out. Even though I've been in my business for 7 plus years now, I still have moments of feeling like I don't know it all and that's actually really good. That's really good because it allows us to strive for more. If we just constantly reached a state of achievement and we were living in that state of achievement all the time, our businesses would feel really boring, quite honestly, and that energy would get stagnant. So I want you to give yourself permission for just one moment to be grateful for the fact that you don’t have it all figured out because that means that there is room for growth, and when there is room for growth, it means that there is room for opportunity, and when you have this big vision for your business, and I know we're talking about social media and it's very strategic, but the mindset has to be involved here. When you have this bigger vision, you are able to build that momentum based on the micro-actions that you are taking, because you have to reach new levels of achievement every single day.
So let's talk about social media. So this client that I was talking with today, we have been working on her brand from the ground up, really recreating her business and pulling her two areas of expertise together, both from coaching and from the jewelry-making business, which seemed to her at the time very separate, and we've been able to cultivate a brand that ties the two together beautifully and has her really excited about showing up and creating an impact in the world and working with the people that she's meant to work with, and so now we are at this phase of okay the brand has been created. We have the brand guidelines, we know the strategy, we know the mission, the values, the positioning, and it's time to show people, right? It's time to get visible. So, of course, now that she has all of this confidence, she's ready to put her head down and do the work, but there was this hesitation of well, how do I do that?
And so over the years, in her business, things have been put on the back burner, and she hasn't been implementing, she hasn't been sharing her business because yes, she lacked the clarity, but she also lacked the confidence, and so we are working on building her confidence with social media, and I want to share the inside process of that with you because one, I want you to use it in your own business, but two, if you are feeling called to work together in 2025 and beyond, depending on when you're listening to this episode, this is something that we can do together. So if you're feeling stuck, if you're feeling overwhelmed, just know that you're not alone, I am here to help you, and I also hope that this episode is going to put a fire under your ass to do this for yourself.
So on our call today, we talked about many things, but where we started was looking at her brand message. We went back to her mission, and we went back to the way that she wants to make people feel and her ultimate goal in her business, which at this point and in this season is to be building engagement, building community, really setting herself apart in her industry, building brand authority, getting that visibility so that she can then in the future make the sales and grow the offer suite, right? Right now we're not worried about hitting ten K months. Right now we're worried about talking to the people that are going to give her direct feedback as her target audience, and give her that market research, so that is the intention as we're creating this content strategy.
So we're looking at those pieces, and then we are creating content pillars, and I teach this in the Visionary Visibility Masterclass if you haven't gotten access to this yet, you can do so on my website. I will put the link in the show notes. This is going to walk you through how to approach this in your own business from an energetic and a strategic standpoint, but your content pillars are going to allow you to give your audience a full-circle experience. You're not just going to be posting as an expert and shoving information on people's throats. You're not just going to be making sales all of the time, you're not just going to be the inspiration fairy and be posting quotes every single day. We want to be hitting different content pillars so that people are getting an experience when they follow you on social media so that they are excited for what you're going to share next.
So we mapped out her content pillars and then we also looked at her different focus areas for content that falls within those content pillars. So this is where people get hung up, and this is where I try to make it as simple as I possibly can, and that is allowing yourself to have this big umbrella of your content pillars, and then having your subtopics that are really specific in niche to your business and your brand underneath that so this is where we are having the strategy mapped out on paper, whether it's on physical paper somewhere in a notebook, or on a Google Doc, or in a Trello board or wherever it might be so that you can give the structure and you can move things around as you see fit in your business. So you want to look at your core content pillars, you want to look at the topics that you are sharing regularly that resonate with your audience and speak to your brand?
And then from there, what we were able to do on this call, and something that I mapped out for her for the next three months, is to have a content strategy based on how consistently she wants to be posting and what the level of frequency looks like, and I have talked about this here on the podcast before, there's so many episodes that I could reference here. This is a non-negotiable when it comes to social media, because if you're just telling yourself, well, I'm just going to post consistently from here on out but you don't give yourself any guideline as to what that consistency looks like, and what the level of frequency is, then you're most likely not going to take the action. You're not going to hold yourself accountable, and then your content's going to be all over the place, and people are going to be confused in your audience, and you're either going to reach burnout because you're posting too much too often, or you're just not posting at all and your business isn't growing. We don’t want either of those to be the spectrum that you're on. We want to hit the sweet spot of frequency that is sustainable for you, for your business where it is at right now. Now permission should be posting more in the future permission to be doing all of the bells and whistles on all of the platforms in the future, but right now I want you to be super honest about where you're at what platforms are resonating with you, and how you're going to show up consistently with a level of frequency that feels good and is something that you can actually implement.
So I am like here to keep you on track today. So we did this for her content. My general recommendation for all of my clients, whether they're doing their social media themselves or we are doing it for them at Magnetic Boss Studio, is to start with three posts per week. This seems to be a really good baseline because it allows you to hit on your different content pillars without burning yourself out or having to create epic amounts of content. Three posts per week and most often I structure this for my clients on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This gives you a little bit of a break throughout the week, and it also is going to help you on those book-end days during the week where people are using social media, probably more than they are through the middle of the week when they're busy and they're doing things, right? So just keep that in mind. Every audience is going to be different and I could teach this on a whole other episode or in a workshop. If you need more insight on this, please let me know on when you're posting and how you're posting. But you need to set that level of frequency. And I just want to take a quick minute and apologize for background noise today because if you know me personally, you know that I live in Maine, and it is winter in Maine at the time that I'm recording this episode, and I record these episodes from my car right now I'm in town and there are lots of loud trucks and there is a lot of noise outside and there's no noise barrier because there are no leaves on the trees, so if you hear background noise in this episode, I apologize, but I also super appreciate you being here for the real, the raw, and the we're going to get this done because I know this is an important message to share with you today. OK? So that's my quick message in the middle of this rant.
So for your frequency of posting, if you are following a schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, let's just use that as an example, that's what I did for my client. Once you know those days of the week, then you can set a content pillar for each day of the week. So let's say Monday you are doing your educational content, and again I teach this framework in the Visionary Visibility Masterclass if you're like what the hell is this girl talking about? On Wednesday you're going to be sharing your engaging content that is inspirational and sharing your journey. On Friday you're going to be sharing your polarizing, strong point of view content, and that is going to give you a framework of what types of content you should be sharing. Then you can go into your subtopics and let's just say, for example, you're a health coach. If you're a health coach and you're sharing educational content, maybe you're sharing three ingredients that are going to help you burn fat during the holidays, right? If you are a health coach and you're sharing inspiration, it could be an inspirational quote about being on your journey where you're at, right? If you are a health coach and you're sharing a strong point of view, then maybe you are talking about how these fad diets are actually ruining people's health. These are just examples, and so I did this for my client in real time on the call today, and we mapped out her content for three months ahead, using this three-post per week frequency, and using her content pillars that we mapped out from there using the subtopics, we were able to then write captions and prompts for her for graphics that she'll then use the graphic templates for that we've created, so that her content for the beginning of 2025 is mostly done. It's almost all done right now, as it sits. Yes, she has to go in and add some pictures. Yes, she has to update the captions with her own tone of voice in her messaging, or her specific stories, but this framework is what's going to allow her to build that consistency, and we did this in less than 30 minutes. OK, I just want to give you some time reference here. We did this in less than 30 minutes.
How the hell did we do that so fast? I'm going to tell you: first we had her brand guidelines set in stone. We were very, very clear and very, very intentional about the content that we were mapping out. Secondly, I've been doing this for a very long time. I don’t say that I'm an expert in this for no reason. I can create content calendars like this in my sleep, and so yes, I did this in 30 minutes or less, but it might not be that easy for you, OK? So I don’t want you to have that expectation on yourself that you're going to be able to do this that quickly, but I just want to give you a reference point as to how easy this can be as you grow this muscle, as you are continuing to use social media in your business and you're gaining your footing here, because for my client, this would have taken her weeks, months, years probably. In fact, the whole reason she hired me is because it had been taking her years to figure it all out, and she couldn’t do it on her own. She didn’t feel empowered enough to do it on her own. Now she has the ability to take what we've put together and recreate that month after month, quarter after quarter, year after year in her business if she wants my help, amazing, if she wants the ongoing social media management, amazing, but she now has the empowerment to be able to do this herself, and I want that for you too.
So we did this in a very short period of time, and we of course utilized things like ChatGPT to help us create this framework that we can then build off of and customize. Now, I am not telling you to go use ChatGPT to grow your entire business. I don't think that ChatGPT should be used for everything in your business, but it is really good for helping you bring your ideas together. So utilize that if it's something that feels easy and familiar. If not, use your brain. Use your intuition. Use your own process of thinking because that is really what's going to help you ultimately with making sure that your content lands with your audience.
So I have covered so much in this episode, we are about 15 minutes in, and I don’t want to give you any more tangible steps or things that you could be doing in your business, because I want you to take this episode and hopefully feel inspired to take some action and to really implement what you might have learned or what you might have taken away from this episode in your business, because we are at the end of the year, we are at this beautiful place in business where you can be thinking about big picture and you can be mapping out 2025 so that your business gets to light you up again, so your business gets to really feel abundant and it doesn’t have to feel forced or like you're following some cookie-cutter approach, OK? So when we're talking about social media, it gets to be easy. The more that you do this the easier it will be. Like I said, I've been doing this for over seven years. I could create three months of content for my client in under 30 minutes because I have been doing this for so long. So if this is unfamiliar to you, if this is scary or daunting, let it be. Let it be scary, let it be overwhelming, let it be something that intimidates you. Good! That means this is an area of growth. This is where you can build achievements and pat yourself on the back for making progress. Any progress is better than no progress at all.
So that is all I have for you today. If this episode inspired you, if it lit you up, if you learned something, please share on Instagram, tag me, share it with a friend, make sure you subscribe, leave a review on iTunes. I super appreciate that, and I will be back with more soon.